I am Gail.
I was born in 1950, where I have always had an interest in natural health and the psychic side to us, so when In my 30's while being a Mum, I decided to start my study. It opened up a whole new world to me and since then, I have never looked back. I graduated from a 4-year course in Naturopathy, followed by Hypnotherapy and many other courses. On reflection, I realise that our lives are all planned and everything I have done in my years of life experiences and study, have lead me to where I am today.
Today, my mission in this life is to share with you, all the knowledge I have gained over the years. I am also here to have as much fun as I can. I lead a very busy life, and now my 2 young adults are leading their own busy lives, it is time I balance my life in this crazy world we live in. And so I want to share with you everything that has empowered me, working in all areas of the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL.
As Sai Baba said to me while I was in his Ashram in India in 2000 ... "GO WITHIN, OR GO WITHOUT" -- and so I have. What I have learnt is amazing. Everything we need in this life is on our backs already programmed into our subconscious mind. So, let me take you on a Spiritual Journey of Discovery to help you:
- FEEL MORE IN BALANCE, with the physical, emotional and spiritual.
- FEEL CONNECTED WITH YOUR " I AM ", and stand in your own power.
Allow me to help you connect with your higher wisdom to become your own healer and counselor to create harmony, health and wellbeing in your life. This can be done by:
- Booking in for a session with me, where we can check all levels that need healing that might be affecting you today by using all my modalities where you personally need working on;
- Attend one of my courses that gives YOU the necessary tools needed to take control of your life; or
- Come on a spiritual adventure to amazing places to anchor in past energies and so activate memory and wisdom to use and understand who you are in this lifetime.
I have over 20 years of experience working as a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Healer and Counselor. I work with the Collective Consciousness, especially Akhenaten and Xyreus. So get in contact with me to find out where you can start your journey of self-discovery of enlightenment.
"When one understands that life is just the illusion and we all have inner power to create our own desired illusion, than life itself takes on a whole new meaning where we can slow down the aging process by eliminating stress and also to create our abundance to bring in what we deserve. We are a spiritual Soul here to experience a physical life. To laugh and cry, to experience all that this world has to offer and to understand that there is more to our Being than we have been told is the truth. Learn the truth and set your Soul free. Come and join me as my Soul rejoices in this illusion, we call LIFE".
"When one understands that life is just the illusion and we all have inner power to create our own desired illusion, than life itself takes on a whole new meaning where we can slow down the aging process by eliminating stress and also to create our abundance to bring in what we deserve. We are a spiritual Soul here to experience a physical life. To laugh and cry, to experience all that this world has to offer and to understand that there is more to our Being than we have been told is the truth. Learn the truth and set your Soul free. Come and join me as my Soul rejoices in this illusion, we call LIFE".
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Gail Nicholls ND, Dip.Clin.Hyp, TNI reg (USA) 2008
Clinic : 186 Cook Street, Howick, Auckland phone : 09 535 4065 or 021 537 055 Follow me on Facebook Skype : gail_nicholls or email me |